Advocating for Equitable and Sustainable Alternatives to the Outdated Water Export Model of the State Water Project

December 2022
The Environmental Water Caucus (EWC) seminal report, Crafting a Sustainable Water Plan for California, is submitted with our comments on the Delta Conveyance Project EIR. EWC’s plan includes realistic alternatives and outlines how to achieve the goals of equitable and sustainable water management.

May 2017
The Environmental Water Caucus and nine other organizations submit this letter to the Delta Independent Science Board objecting to the inadequate range of alternatives evaluated in the California Water Fix EIR/EIS.

January 2017
The EWC submits comments on the final EIR/EIS for the California WaterFix.

September 2015
The EWC publishes its report A Sustainable Water Plan for California that demonstrates how water supply reliability can be improved while reducing exports from the Bay Delta Estuary and managing for drought conditions. This package of actions represents EWC’s updated alternative to the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) as well as solutions for managing California's recurring drought conditions.

July 2015
The EWC and other Conservation groups warned regulators that their rush to approve construction of massive water-diversion tunnels under the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta violates state and federal laws. Read this letter sent to the federal and state agencies that are promoting the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP)/California Water Fix underscoring the agencies' failure to consider alternatives that would reduce diversions and increase freshwater flows through the Delta.

December 2014
EWC stated its opposition to H.R. 5781, the so-called "Federal Drought Bill" in a letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer.

November 2014
In this comment letter, the EWC expressed opposition to S.2198S, Senator Feinstein's and Representative McCarthy's so-called "Federal Drought Bill" which would directly amend or undermine key statutory protections for fish and wildlife and groundwater protection, without addressing the underlying cause of water shortages.

August 2014
The Environmental Protection Agency's 8/26/2014 comment letter on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan. The EPA found that the plan could violate the federal Clean Water Act and increase harm to endangered fish species.

June-July 2014
The EWC's comment letter (6/11/2014) and supplemental comments (7/28/2014) critique the 40,000-page Bay Delta Conservation Plan and EIR/EIS. The EWC tells BDCP that the Plan is not a legal document and that the plan cannot go forward.

May 2014
In a letter to Senators Boxer and Feinstein, the EWC expressed opposition to bill S.2198, which would exacerbate negative impacts on the environment and the salmon industry without addressing the underlying cause of water shortages.

April 2014
The EWC submits a letter in support of state Wild & Scenic River status for a 37-mile stretch of the Mokelumne River to Senator Loni Hancock on April 11, 2014.

February 2014
The EWC publishes a list of principles and actions on appropriate drought responses. The EWC submits an opposition letter to HR 3964 to the House of Representatives on February 2, 2014. The EWC publishes its 2014 Action Plan.

October 2013

The EWC submitted a letter in opposition to the draft Bay Delta Conservation Plan, 10/7/2013.

September 2013
The EWC submits comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the proposal to raise the height of the Shasta dam to the Bureau of Reclamation.

June 2013
The EWC presents its Responsible Exports Plan at the June 2013 Southern California Water Dialog meeting at the Metropolitan Water District offices. The EWC also develops its 2013 Strategic and Operating Plan.

May 2013
The EWC publishes its alternative to the Delta Plan: the Responsible Exports Plan 2013.

March 2013
The EWC's March 26, 2013 comments on the San Joaquin River SED.

February 2013
The EWC's submits comments on the Benefit-Cost Analysis for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan.

January 2013
The EWC and the Environmental Justice Coalition for Water respond to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Shasta Lake Water Resources Investigation Draft Feasibility Study. January 28, 2013.

June 2012
The first comprehensive economic Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Delta Water Conveyance Tunnels as proposed in the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP). The principal author of this report is Dr. Jeffrey Michael, Director of the Business Forecasting Center (BFC) at the University of the Pacific.

The EWC publishes the 3rd edition of California Water Solutions Now and a summary presentation.